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The Ultimate Arabic Verb Master Series Part 2: Dissecting the Pyramid
Posted on Thursday, May 25, 2017
Mastering the Arabic verb system is the key to mastering the Arabic language. The great scholar of Arabic, Ibn Mālik, said: "Whoever masters the tasrīf (structural modifications) of the verb will acquire and encompass all the paths and routes of the language." The study of the science of sarf (morphology) should precede study of grammar. Unfortunately, most curriculums today do not offer a detailed, comprehensive study of sarf and focus mostly on grammar. As a result, the overwhelming majority of Arabic learners will inevitably come across numerous stumbling blocks and barriers created by lack of knowledge and proficiency in this field. No matter how one tries, these blocks and barriers will not disappear except with proficiency in the field of sarf. Most often, this fact is not recognised by Arabic learners who struggle for years, if not decades, to progress beyond a certain level. At LearnArabic.Com we have taken this very complex and difficult subject and made it very easy and systematic to learn using a teaching style that makes the content easily comprehendable and memorable.

About the Course:
"Dissecting the Pyramid" is the second part in our series and builds on top of the knowledge gained in the first part. It cements important foundational slabs of stone for ultimate verb mastery. We conceptualise everything in the form of easy to remember diagrams and models which allow for easy analysis, comprehension and memorisation. We start with the verb pyramid we arrived at at the end of the first part and break it down conceptually from numerous angles. As we proceed through the course, theoretical concepts are embedded in your mind, made concrete with lots of verb examples which should be noted and learned. By the end of the course, we have a memorisable master diagram which has been developed in gradual steps through the course and to which verb possibilities and variations can be anchored.

Why this course is important for you:
It will develop in your mind a very clear, strong, vivid imagination and conceptualisation of the building blocks of the Arabic verb system thereby laying the foundations for ultimate verb mastery (inshāʾAllāh). The course will aid you in becoming competent enough to appreciate the beauty and superiority of Arabic over all other languages and to experience the balāghah (eloquence) and iʿjāz (inimitability, miraculousness) of the Qurʾān.

Of the many testimonials we have received:

The new Mastering Verbs course attracted me to the site for the reason that for over 40 years I have had difficulty with this important topic. Through this, I was drawn into other parts of the site and have found the tools for memorising words and so on very helpful. I am currently studying with an Egyptian Teacher in reading and comprehending the Quran and I find the course very enlightening, however we do not go into Sarf and Nahw in much detail and these "Learn Arabic" courses are helping me to cover these areas. I am certainly no scholar and book learning has always been difficult for me. I find the interactive methods used here suits me.

I have learnt a tremendous amount thus far about the subject of Sarf. The simple explanation and overall presentation is so impressive.

Great classes, priceless

Who is this course for:
This course is for intermediate level learners who have already taken the first course in the series. However, the course is taught in a way that makes it suitable even for beginners who have basic knowledge of Arabic.

The course will be available on 27th May 2017.

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Related search terms: Learn Arabic, Arabic Verbs.

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Posted on Tuesday, May 29, 2018
The Ultimate Arabic Verb Master Series Part 3: Forms, Structures and Meanings "Forms, Structures and Meanings" is the third part in our series and builds on top of the knowledge gained in the first two parts. Following the dissection of the verb pyramid, we move on to structures and meanings in this course. The course follows the same style and pattern as previous courses with detailed, insightful instruction.
Posted on Thursday, May 25, 2017
The Ultimate Arabic Verb Master Series Part 2: Dissecting the Pyramid "Dissecting the Pyramid" is the second part in our series and builds on top of the knowledge gained in the first part. It cements important foundational slabs of stone for ultimate verb mastery. We conceptualise everything in the form of easy to remember diagrams and models which allow for easy analysis, comprehension and memorisation.
Posted on Monday, June 06, 2016
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The Arabic language is the key to an authentic understanding of the Quran and Sunnah upon the way of the predecessors. Our mission is to teach Arabic morphology, grammar and the Arabic verb system to everyone, everywhere in a fun, easy-to-understand way!
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