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LearnArabic.Com is a new and exciting platform for mastering the Arabic language. It is suitable for all ages and backgrounds. It combines insightful methods of teaching using audio, video, interactive quizzes and games, and more. There are also some very powerful application tools that will help rapid learning and "connection of dots" in the maze of Arabic morphology, verbs, nouns and grammar.No matter what your level is as a student of the Arabic language (total newbie, elementary, intermediate or advanced), LearnArabic.Com will have something of great value to offer you and will become - (إن شاء الله) - your number one resource to help you ascend leaps and bounds up the ladder of Arabic language mastery.

Learning Arabic is not a hobby or a pastime. It requires full-time, dedicated effort. As the Arabic language is so vast, rich and sophisticated, mastery requires time and effort. However, it can be rapidly accelerated if the right methodologies of teaching and learning are employed along with the use of appropriate tools and resources that solidify what has been learned.

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iqrahiqrah 17 badges 24035 pts
b.imraan 24 badges 16235 pts
abufaatimah7 24 badges 15000 pts
abdurraheem1 13 badges 14115 pts
umm_khayr 17 badges 14005 pts
yokothebest 24 badges 13870 pts
sarahs 24 badges 13850 pts
ummzainab 17 badges 13475 pts
shamsa 24 badges 13205 pts
haadiyah 13 badges 9030 pts
Total badges earned:6478
Total course points:913825
Total activity points:277870
Total overall points:1191695
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Posted on Tuesday, May 29, 2018
The Ultimate Arabic Verb Master Series Part 3: Forms, Structures and Meanings "Forms, Structures and Meanings" is the third part in our series and builds on top of the knowledge gained in the first two parts. Following the dissection of the verb pyramid, we move on to structures and meanings in this course. The course follows the same style and pattern as previous courses with detailed, insightful instruction.
Posted on Thursday, May 25, 2017
The Ultimate Arabic Verb Master Series Part 2: Dissecting the Pyramid "Dissecting the Pyramid" is the second part in our series and builds on top of the knowledge gained in the first part. It cements important foundational slabs of stone for ultimate verb mastery. We conceptualise everything in the form of easy to remember diagrams and models which allow for easy analysis, comprehension and memorisation.
Posted on Monday, June 06, 2016
Ramadan Special: Get Courses Free! Ramadan, the month of fasting, goods deeds and charity is here! This year is the longest that the 30 days of Ramadan can ever be, as it starts 15 days before the longest day (July 21st) and finishes 15 days after the longest day.

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The Arabic language is the key to an authentic understanding of the Quran and Sunnah upon the way of the predecessors. Our mission is to teach Arabic morphology, grammar and the Arabic verb system to everyone, everywhere in a fun, easy-to-understand way!
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